“I never dreamed about success. I worked for it.”

– Estee Lauder


 Get Your Value Builder Score

PivotPoint Services

Exit by choice or by chance.


You’ve spent years creating a successful business. Don’t let running your business get in the way of preparing for the day when you’re no longer involved by choice or by chance.

Start a conversation.

Let’s have a discussion and see how PivotPoint can help increase your business’s value and start preparing for when you are no longer involved.



Imagine you receive a call from an outside party who wants to talk about buying your business.

How do you respond?

  • Ignore - You’re not ready to sell your business

  • Panic - You have no idea how or what to say

  • Accept - Advanced planning prepared you and your business for this day!

Even worse, what if a crisis – death of a partner, divorce, disability, disagreement, a downturn in the economy, loss of a big client, or business distress – unexpectedly hit you or your business?

Are you prepared?

Many business owners either ignore or panic when confronted with one of these situations. It doesn’t have to be that way!

PivotPoint Business Solutions gives you the confidence and peace of mind to respond to any personal or business situation.

How You’ll Pivot.

Using the Exit Planning Institute’s Five Stages of Value Maturity, we will create a business value acceleration and exit strategy that supercharges your business’s value now, so you’re ready to exit on your terms.

We’ll step through all Five Stages of Value Maturity and discover where you and your business are today and where you want to be in the future.

  • Prioritize - personal, financial, and business actions that can stall or accelerate your plan.

  • Identify - the value gaps that can keep you from your goals.

  • Sprint - Create 90-day sprints designed to drive up the value of your business - your multiple - and put you in control of your future.

So, when a buyer calls or an unexpected crisis occurs, you can be in control of your destiny.

Exit Example strategy

5 Stages of Personal and Business Wealth


Whether you want to increase business value, navigate through the growing pains, or if you’re ready to exit your business, the PivotPoint team is here to help!


Value Builder Eight Drivers Of Company Value

Business exit example


Accelerate Growth

Building the value of your company puts you in the driver’s seat.”

Did you know there are 8 business drivers that if addressed have been proven to increase business value by 71%?

Let’s get a baseline and projected value for your business using the Value Builder Eight Drivers of Growth.

Used by 55,000 businesses across the globe, Value Builder is proven to be one of the best tools for identifying and closing the value gaps in your business.



“Bring structure, clarity, and focus to your team and build a truly exceptional business.”

Do you find that as your business grows, more challenges arise?

It’s an odd question, but one that helps determine how your business can grow, shrink, succeed, or fail.

If organizational transformation is at the top of the list of needed changes for your business, we will put Organizational ReWilding® to the test.

We will assess the complexity of your organization based on your stage of growth. From there, we’ll identify missing elements and work with you and your team to infuse these elements into your organization, putting you on an exceptional growth trajectory.


The Organizational Rewilding Stages of Growth

Chart of the 7 Stages of Organizational ReWilding. Stage 1 Start-up, Stage 2 Ramp-up, Stage 3 Delegation, Stage 4 Professional Step 5 Integration, Stage 6 Strategic, Stage 7 Visionary.

Exit Planning Institute Value Acceleration Methodology

business exit plan


Business Exit

“A valuable company is one that runs without you.”

Are you aware that 75% of business owners say they regret their decision to exit their business after just one year and only 5% are satisfied with their net proceeds?

Our goal at PivotPoint is to make sure you never use “regret” and “exit” in the same sentence.

Exiting your business should be a time of joy!

You’ve built a successful business, transitioned or sold it to an internal or external party, and can now look forward to reaping the rewards of your hard work and commitment.

We ensure you’ve addressed your personal, financial, and business needs for a successful transition.

  • Maximize your financial return

  • Minimize your tax liability

  • Plan for contingencies

  • Increase the likelihood of successfully transferring your business

Ready to take the next step?



You set the pace.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to business value acceleration, organizational transformation, or exit planning.

You decide how you want to work ON your business - self-service using complimentary resources; coaching and peer group advice; 1-on-1 consulting.

Together, we’ll put your business on a growth trajectory that will make it possible for you to live your retirement dream.

  • Go at your own pace and in a self-service format using a variety of business resources.

    There is no charge to participate in our monthly webinar series or access our library of sources on the resource page.

  • Join a peer group with other business owners currently facing many of the same issues, questions, and decisions about their company and their career as you.

    Business peer group participants share personal and professional experiences, learning from and offering advice to one another.

  • A direct relationship where you will focus on business planning and an action plan.

    We start with discovery on the triggering event, using the stages of value maturity as identified in our discovery and exit planning.

    So when the time is right, you are in control and maximize your return.

Exit Planning Advisor services